World of Amelia
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9K’s Biography 

9K is a 20 year old who has always had a passion for breaking games into their simplest form. He is currently in college and loves testing the limits and breaking everything the programmers of The World of Amelia have coded and may even “accidently” create a few new problems for them to fix. His life has always revolved around video games, one way or another.

What does 9K do?

9K is a tester for The World of Amelia, having no moderation powers, he is tasked with testing all game play elements to find what works, what doesn’t and give feedback on how new content feels and should be balanced. Being one of the first testers on the server he has seen most of the cycles the server has completed and has been an integral part in making sure the servers are at their best for players to enjoy. Due to 9K’s incredible ability to make everything look extremely easy to do he is often referred to as ‘Amelia’s bot’ by Bourbon and the team because he is able to make the most difficult play look like a walk in the park. 
